Ancestry stopped working
Opened this issue · 10 comments
Smartcopy from Ancestry profiles stopped working about a week ago. See several reports on this on Geni
The pop-up window shows no details to be copied to Geni... If there is a profile photo, that is the only item that can be copied, nothing else. Parsing issue?
Can confirm bug with Ancestry.
- Even though I have tried many copies, it didn't save it to history. I have to reselect each time.
- THE BIG ISSUE: Copying to has no data
- Submitting the update, DOES upload the single photo
and adds the reference to the about box.
However, when I try to copy again, I still have no memory of the copy in history.
GuyKh would love your eyes on this one? Many thanks!
Busy time at work. But I'll try to take a look over the next few days
Some observation - looks like html parsing issue
In Firefox Addon Debug Console (dev tools)
<head><script>window.ancestry=window.ancestry||{};Object.defineProperties(ancestry,{userId:{value:'04ad2475-0006-0000-0000-000000000000',writable:!1},marketId:{value:0,writable:!1},siteId:{value:0,writable:!1},mainOrigin:{value:\"\",writable:!1}})</script><script>(()=>{let e=window.ancestry=window.ancestry||{};const n={necessary:!0,preference:[\"c6\"],performance:[\"c9\"],analytics1st:[\"c10\"],analytics3rd:[\"c8\",\"c2\"],advertising1st:[\"c11\"],advertising3rd:[\"c7\",\"c3\"],attribution3rd:[\"c12\"]},t=()=>{const e=new URL(window.location).searchParams.get(\"moo\");e&&(document.cookie=`OPTOUTMULTI=${encodeURIComponent(e)}`);let n=null,t=document.cookie.match(/(?:^|; )OPTOUTMULTI=([^;]*)/);return t&&(n={},decodeURIComponent(t[1]).split(\"|\").forEach((e=>{let t=e.indexOf(\":\");n[e.slice(0,t)]=e.slice(t+1)}))),n},o=(e,t)=>{t=t||{};let o=n[e];return Array.isArray(o)?\"0\"==(t[o[0]]||t[o[1]]):o||!1},c=e=>Object.keys(n).filter((n=>o(n,e||{})));e.getConsentControlFlag=e=>o(e,t()),e.getConsentControlFlags=()=>c(t()),e.getConsentControlFlagsAsync=async()=>(async n=>{if(n)return c(n);const o=`${e.mainOrigin}/api/privacy/consent-info`;let r=await fetch(o,{method:\"GET\",mode:\"cors\"});if(r.ok)return c(t());throw new Error(`${r.status} code from ${o}`)})(t())})();</script><script src=\"\"></script><script src=\"\"></script><!-- Google Tag Manager --><script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start':new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src='['+i+dl]( ;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f);})(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-PF2LHSF');</script><!-- End Google Tag Manager --><script async src=\"\"></script><title>502 Bad Gateway</title><script defer src=\"\"></script></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
<script>window.unifiedTrackingConfig={options:{autoStartTracking:true,enableLogging:false,useTagManagement:false,loadTrackingLibrary:false},vendors:[{name:\"adobemc\",consent:\"analytics3rd\",config:{}}]};</script><script defer src=\"\"></script></html>
Note the 502.
I'll check this later at home with Chrome
I am going to be working on this to fix the issue. @GuyKh I will see if the script is readable by the plugin to avoid parsing extra stuff. The 502 bad gateway is usually a bad URL or something similar - most of the time I have seen it was due to some stale API url being used.
@mamsterla I'm already about 60% in this.
This is basically rewriting the plugin :/
@GuyKh Randy and Jeff asked me to jump in. I am actually almost done and in the process will do a few other key things like have Manifest V3 support and service_worker. I will share my pull request and if you can help review it, I would be happy to collaborate. You are more familiar, but I am focused on this as my full time effort for the time being.
We've chatted over emails about the work we did and we'll try to progress together.