Feature suggestion : sources
raphink opened this issue · 5 comments
Currently SmartCopy can add URL references to the about section of profiles.
It would be even better if it could add a document with the URL and tag sources in it for all the data imported from the URL.
This would document imports even better and would allow to see exactly what info was imported from a given URL. Ideally, SmartCopy would find existing documents with the same URL if they exist.
Another option could be for Geni to expose the Matches API so we can add these URLs as matches, although that in itself will not document the sources (which I still believe would be useful).
Yeah - It would be nice if we could add it as a match and it would be nice if we could link sources to matches. But I would only be interested in linking sources to record matches, not trees. Same goes for documents. I don't see online trees as a sources themselves, though the online tree could reference sources. I would only want to add a source if it referenced actual documents or authorities.
I've asked in the past for access to the Match stuff, but it's integrated with MyHeritage. Not sure how complicated that would be for them based on the various sites SC may use.
I see. I agree about the sources. Sources are supposed to be dated and localized, so it doesn't make sense to use a tree for that. But it could make sense to use that for cemetery websites and such, or even archive ones.
As for matches, there could be lots of use cases, e.g. Wikipedia articles, etc.