Where is documentation so i may assist
Opened this issue · 11 comments
i am interested in contributing, and i would appreciate any documentation . I may be reached at lawrence_g_smith@live.com or 1-416-305-1588
Here is the project page on Geni which contains some documentation. You might also find things in the discussions linked to the project.
I am actually considering implementing a similar solution using either Java or c#. Hence, it would be great if i could exchange a couple of emails to discuss some ideas and also, if you may have a suggestion to resolve a roadblock that i am encountering.
My email is larry@datasmith.biz
i tried prototyping using Geni API using c#, to add a profile via a Post.. For some reason, i could not get the birth date initialized, although the profile is created.
I found API passes query parameters although it is a post.
Do you see anything wrong with this call?
https://www.geni.com/api/profile/add?first_name=Larry&last_name=Smith&gender=Male&public=true&"birth":{"date":{"day": 14,"month": 12,"year": 1966 } , "location":{"country": "Canada" } }&is_alive=true
Pass those birth parameters this way:
The general documentation for the Geni API is here. And you can use this explorer to test. If you're submitting via an application or script, you'll need to either use your browser cookie to use your existing session or get a client authentication key. HistoryLinkTools is another project where I use python to connect to Geni.
Wow . Thanks very much!
Explorer looks nice..
In my experience, REST post calls carry payload in body, and not as request parameters, so this API doesn't seem designed as per industry standards
i am adding a child, so i call https://www.geni.com/api/profile-122248213/add-child?first_name= for each parent, which causes duplicates
Perhaps I should be using https://www.geni.com/api/union-1/add-child?first_name=child&last_name=smith
You add the child to the union, not the profile.
1 I don't see how one initially creates a union, and gets the union id?
2 In call to add partner, i don't see where union id is specified?
- add partner to profile, returns id of profile created, but not union id
In the case of union/add-partner, the return fields should include "id", which is the union id. The profile/add-partner returns the unions field, which probably lists all unions and you'd have to determine which is the relationship added.
These questions might be more completely answered over at the Geni dev forum. https://www.geni.com/platform/developer/forum
my solution is similar to yours. could you email me to review a few items?