
Indexing and serving documentation

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Right now there's no documentation for how to set up an instance, which is a bummer. I should fix that. :)

See also #18 :)

Hi! Really like what you're doing here, and would love to get some of this documentation. In particular, it would be good to know both where to get the different data sets and what each of them does. I just balked at the 4TB download of WhosOnFirst Global data, but it's something I guess I can handle if it makes sense to do so.

You don't need to download the whole WOF database thankfully. I don't have that much storage lying around anyway :) The relevant downloads are here:

https://geocode.earth/data/whosonfirst/combined/ (you want the spatialite download for administrative boundaries, 11gb)


https://planet.openstreetmap.org/ (70ish gb)

Thank you for the nudges to write docs for this. I'll try and do that soon. I don't like creating abandonware.

Wow! Thanks for the fast response and good info! Keep up the great work.

@smari I finally got around to adding docs! Feel free to open an issue if you have any trouble with them.

Thank you! Will check!