
true variable cannot also be in by

mikesweeting opened this issue · 2 comments

We might want a situation where the true parameter value is varying across scenario settings

Currently simsum gives a warning message (rather than an error) if the true variable is also in by. But the nlp plot does not work.

A contrived example below is shown where esigma is assumed to be the true value of the parameter (estvarname)

s.nlp.true <- rsimsum::simsum(
  data = nlp, estvarname = "b", true = "esigma", se = "se",
  methodvar = "model", by = c("baseline", "ss", "esigma")
autoplot(s.nlp.true, stats = "bias", type = "nlp")

A work-around is to create a copy of the true parameter.

nlp$esigma.copy <- nlp$esigma
s.nlp.true2 <- rsimsum::simsum(
  data = nlp, estvarname = "b", true = "esigma.copy", se = "se",
  methodvar = "model", by = c("baseline", "ss", "esigma")
autoplot(s.nlp.true2, stats = "bias", type = "nlp")

Now fixed in PR #53:


s.nlp.true <- rsimsum::simsum(
  data = nlp, estvarname = "b", true = "esigma", se = "se",
  methodvar = "model", by = c("baseline", "ss", "esigma")
#> 'ref' method was not specified, 1 set as the reference

autoplot(s.nlp.true, stats = "bias", type = "nlp")


Created on 2023-05-28 with reprex v2.0.2

If you'd like you can test it with:

remotes::install_github("ellessenne/rsimsum", ref = remotes::github_pull("53"))

This is fixed in {rsimsum} 0.13.0, which is now on CRAN.