
Number of instances > 65536 = no rendering

paulfielding9 opened this issue · 1 comments


This is a great project, thanks for sharing it. Quick question:

On an AMD RX 480 everything works fine until I crank the number of instances up past 65536 (using the drop down menu in Example.cs inspector). If I do this, it starts to render (a few spheres show when I hit play) and then no instances appear in the following frames.

Is this an issue you're aware of or come across?

That's because the threads number used in a thread group for bitonic sorting is 256 here, therefore the maximum number can be sorted is 256x256=65536, and anything larger than this will cause problem. For larger instance number you should increase the numthreads, but there's also limit for the number of threads in a single group, 512 or 1024. So for a really large number this won't work.