
node.js queue handler for SOAP APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


A simple node server to process SOAP API requests and callback with the results.

api keys

You can generate a new API key for a client by visiting /register and submitting the form. A uuid will be generated for the API key and the information stored in the users table.


soapq.js can be accessed using any HTTP client. A request to process should be a JSON object containing the following data:

  apiKey: the API key for the requesting client
  requestKey: the unique key for a given set of requests
  callback: URL to respond to with the results of the API call
  payload: an array of API requests:
      endpoint: URL to send the API request to
      envelope: a SOAP XML envelope to send to the server
      security: (optional) httpauth information for the API endpoint
          username: the API user
          password: the API password

The soapq server will respond to the given callback with a JSON object containing the operation status and an array of responses:

  status: (true|false)
  responses: array of SOAP response XML

callback response

soapq.js expets a JSON response from the callback as follows: { status: (true|false), data: message }

if the callback worked, true should be returned in the status field.

pseudo transactions

You can simulate a transaction by sending an array of requests in the request payload. The soapq server will process each request in the order you send them and will return the results in the order they were requested in.