
What if we don't like github?

varemenos opened this issue · 5 comments

Do you only plan to support github? If yes, why?

I've only had plans to support Github up to now, but happy to add support for other things if it's of interest.

I was planning to refactor soon anyways, I had some other changes in mind.

I'm zeekay on irc.freenode.net if you'd like to discuss any changes you'd like. I think it would be a good idea to allow arbitrary git:// and http:// paths to be passed to install, so I'll probably do that much at least. Maybe support bitbucket: too? Feel free to open a ticket for anything else you'd like to see supported.

Sorry, I'll leave this open until it's actually fixed ;)

I've overhauled ellipsis, and it no longer requires repositories to be stored on Github. I'll try to update documentation to reflect this after I finish documenting the new API.