
remove dependency on 'rev'

r4lv opened this issue · 2 comments

r4lv commented

Dear all,

I noticed a minor thing which breaks on a few systems I use — at one single location in the codebase, you are using the external tool rev, which is part of util-linux:


Lines 33 to 36 in e6fa1e7

# Pull name out as last path component of url
pkg.name_from_url() {
rev <<< "$1" | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev

On systems running opkg/Entware, rev is not available. What is your opinion on replacing rev with a bash-only solution? Happy to submit a PR!

And thank you for such a fantastic tool 😄

Hi @r4lv

Thank you for opening this issue!

Seems like a valid reason to change the implementation of that function. Plus, if we can get rid of an additional dependency that's always a good thing.

I would be more then happy to review your PR!

Thank you!

There was another change scheduled for 1.10.0, I might have a look at it this week. If not I'll probable tag this one as 1.9.11 by the end of the week.