
Ability to customize repo prefix

jiri opened this issue · 4 comments

jiri commented

I don't like prefixing my package repos with dot-, so I'd like to have a feature that enables me to set that prefix (using $ELLIPSIS_PREFIX presumably).

It's okay for it to default to dot-, for just the package name, but I find it confusing when it happens for user/package, since I'd expect that to correspond to the repo URL.

I'm not opposed to changing this -- note that if you specify full git/http/ssh path we'll use that instead.

jiri commented

I've noticed that and I'm using it as a workaround for now 😄

I think prefixing the repo name is confusing in itself and might be worth getting rid of altogether. It's very easy to overlook in the documentation and when using username/repo, it actually inserts the "prefix" into the middle of the string, which is even more confusing to me.

If you want, I can fix this and make a pull request, it should be easy enough to change :)

Yeah -- makes sense. @groggemans any opinions?

Seems like a good idea, always had double feelings with forcing the dot- naming scheme in the shorter notation.

It would be nice if we kept some backward compatibility though. This can be done by changing the dot- with the $ELLIPSIS_PREFIX variable.

We can then choose to make it default to an empty string, or the current dot- implementation. Either way, users can easily configure this in there .ellipsisrc file by providing another prefix value;
ELLIPSIS_PREFIX=my_prefix. Might be a good time to write some docs about that config-file system too, I'll try to make some time this week.