
Recent changes break highlights from other sources

notEvil opened this issue · 6 comments


I recently tried coc.nvim and saw highlights disappear after updating gruvbox. The issue is that


was previously conditional on vim.g.colors_name. It can be fixed by executing colorscheme gruvbox within init=function() ... end when using lazy.nvim.

hey @notEvil just out of curiosity, how are you configuring gruvbox on your config?

    build=':CocInstall coc-pyright',
    init=function() vim.cmd([[colorscheme gruvbox]]) end,


-- vim.cmd([[colorscheme gruvbox]])

and a few hl links in a FileType autocmd (disabled while testing)

@notEvil thanks. Can you explain a little bit more what are the highlights with issues? Are those from Coc itself or Gruvbox? Can you try to inspect some of them using the :Inspect command and see what are the outputs please?

top before
bottom after moving colorscheme gruvbox to init

Don't think you need to investigate any further. The change in a749759 obviously clears the highlights on colorscheme gruvbox that coc sets up earlier.

I see, will rollback that change until i figure out another way

done in 65f2b9e