
[Question] How to enable red undercurl for SpellBad?

poperigby opened this issue · 2 comments

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm having a lot of trouble with this. I'm trying to make the SpellBad highlight group have a red undercurl.

I tried:

overrides = {
    BadSpell = { undercurl = true, sp = "#fb4934" }

Then I opened a new document, and typed some gibberish, and :set spell, but the incorrectly spelled word was underlined in white.

hey @poperigby, no problem, the override should be:

overrides = {
    SpellBad = {undercurl = true, sp = "#fb4934"}

Thank you! It looks like I hadn't set WezTerm as my TERM, so that was why it wasn't working.