API Key Not Found
stefanradev93 opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi Ellis,
I am new to Julia and wanted to try out some stock modeling. I came across your package and installed it, however, it does not seem to register my key. I either get:
(Any[" "Error Message": "the parameter apikey is invalid or missing. Please claim your free API key on (https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key). It should take less than 20 seconds.""; "}"], AbstractString["{"])
When running the example code, or I cannot set the empty field 'key' in the client due to immutability:
setfield! immutable struct of type AVClient cannot be changed
I have set the API key as an environmental variable and have confirmed that it is part of the ENV dict. I am running Julia 1.6.3 on Windows 10.
@stefanradev93 maybe gave a quick look in one of the closed issues on that topic eg do check out #41 (comment) on that
Hi @stefanradev93 and @gwd999 please try the latest release (v0.4.1)