
Do not see elm compiler erros in browser console anymore

psyCodelist opened this issue · 2 comments

elm-webpack-loader Version: "7.0.1"
elm-hot-webpack-loader Version : "1.1.8"
OS: Mac OS Catalina
Browser: Chrome Version 88.0.4324.150

Issue: I do not see the compiler error messages in the browser anymore. I see a general error:

message: "Module build failed (from ../node_modules/elm-webpack-loader/index.js):
Compiler process exited with error Compilation failed"

But I see the compiler error message in terminal:
Compiling ...-- NAMING ERROR -------------------- src/Config/Pages/ChangeSets/View.elm
I cannot find a h6 variable:
[1] 213| [ h6 [ class "status" ]

I also noticed this issue.

I just opened up PR #224 that addresses this issue.
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