
`Random.float` lacks sanitization of input and emits invalid numbers when bounds are swapped

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Random.int contains a sanitization step at:


Lines 81 to 85 in c1c9da4

( lo, hi ) =
if a < b then
( a, b )
( b, a )

As such, Random.int 100 -100 produces values in the range [-100, 100]

Random.float contains no such step, and Random.float 100 -100 produces values in the range [100, 300] due to this, which assumes the bounds were passed in the correct order:


Lines 180 to 182 in c1c9da4

-- Scale it into our range
range =
abs (b - a)
There is no information in the documentation warning of this (otherwise silent) error, and it violates the principle of least surprise.

Either the same sanitization step should be added to Random.float or at the very least a prominent warning should be added to the documentation.