
Helpers for in-app-provisioning + add card to apple pay button

Primary LanguageSwift

In-App Provisioning Utils

In-App Provisioning Utils consists of 2 helpers:

  1. PassKitCardDetector - logic for button 'Add Card to Apple Pay'
  2. PassKitRequestGenerator - implements In-App Provisioning flow


  • iOS 10.3+


Swift Package Manager


pod 'InAppProvisioningUtils', :git => 'https://github.com/qiwi/apple-pay-in-app-provisioning-utils'


git "https://github.com/qiwi/apple-pay-in-app-provisioning-utils" "master"


Before use them you should setup Xcode project:

  1. Turn on Wallet in target capabilities
  2. Add follow keys and values to Entitlements file (more details):
  1. Turn on In-App Provisioning in Provisioning Profiles. You need special permission from Apple to submit apps with this key enabled. For more information, contact apple-pay-inquiries@apple.com. After all you have 2 ways:

  2. Turn on with match action 'template_name' parameter in fastlane

  3. Or manual on developer.apple.com and edit Provision profiles

  4. In payment system admin page (Visa/MasterCard/...) setup cards design, link on you app for cards (app id, team id, deeplink to app)


PassKitCardDetector allows you to check secure chip on device and apple watch for implement 'Add Card to Apple Pay' button! Usage:

public static func checkSupportApplePay(cardSuffix: String, bankName: String) -> PassKitCardDetectorResult

// cardSuffix - 4 last digits of card
// bankName - need to filter cards - you can find it with bankNames() if added card before with 'Apple Wallet'

enum PassKitCardDetectorResult {
   case notSupport
   case disabled
   case enabled(primaryAccountIdentifier:String?)

// primaryAccountIdentifier - need to show correctly screen with device selection for in-app provisioning

bankNames returns bank names for your cards added to Apple Wallet (only cards linked with your app):

public static func bankNames() -> [String]

also for users which have ability to add cards, app should show landing. You can use this method:

public static func isApplePayAvailableForDevice() -> Bool


Warning: You should test it only on testflight builds, in all other cases - completion will fail

PassKitRequestGenerator helps you implement In-App Provisioning flow:

  1. Initialization
 init(cardholderName: String,
      primaryAccountIdentifier: String?, // you get it from PassKitCardDetectorResult
      primaryAccountSuffix: String, // last 4 digits of card
      localizedDescription: String,
      paymentNetwork: PaymentNetwork, // VISA/MasterCard
      encryptionScheme: EncryptionScheme, // ECC_V2/RSA_V2
      pollingFrequency: Double = 0.2, // After in-app completion to apple watch, you need to wait a bit time, card adds to passKit not immediately :(
      pollingAttemptCount: Int = 5,
      requestBlock: @escaping RequestBlock, //pass data to your backend and back to apple
      completion: @escaping Completion) {}
  1. Create In-AppViewController, which you should present to user
public func inAppViewController() -> UIViewController