
Parses RDF from any serialization

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

RDF Parse

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This library parses RDF streams based on content type (or file name) and outputs RDF/JS-compliant quads as a stream.

This is useful in situations where you have RDF in some serialization, and you just need the parsed triples/quads, without having to concern yourself with picking the correct parser.

The following RDF serializations are supported:

Name Content type Extensions
TriG application/trig .trig
N-Quads application/n-quads .nq, .nquads
Turtle text/turtle .ttl, .turtle
N-Triples application/n-triples .nt, .ntriples
Notation3 text/n3 .n3
JSON-LD application/ld+json, application/json .json, .jsonld
RDF/XML application/rdf+xml .rdf, .rdfxml, .owl
RDFa and script RDF data tags HTML/XHTML text/html, application/xhtml+xml .html, .htm, .xhtml, .xht
Microdata text/html, application/xhtml+xml .html, .htm, .xhtml, .xht
RDFa in SVG/XML image/svg+xml,application/xml .xml, .svg, .svgz

Internally, this library makes use of RDF parsers from the Comunica framework, which enable streaming processing of RDF.

Internally, the following fully spec-compliant parsers are used:


$ npm install rdf-parse


$ yarn add rdf-parse

This package also works out-of-the-box in browsers via tools such as webpack and browserify.


import rdfParser from "rdf-parse";


const rdfParser = require("rdf-parse").default;


Parsing by content type

The rdfParser.parse method takes in a text stream containing RDF in any serialization, and an options object, and outputs an RDFJS stream that emits RDF quads.

const textStream = require('streamify-string')(`
<http://ex.org/s> <http://ex.org/p> <http://ex.org/o1>, <http://ex.org/o2>.

rdfParser.parse(textStream, { contentType: 'text/turtle', baseIRI: 'http://example.org' })
    .on('data', (quad) => console.log(quad))
    .on('error', (error) => console.error(error))
    .on('end', () => console.log('All done!'));

Parsing by file name

Sometimes, the content type of an RDF document may be unknown, for those cases, this library allows you to provide the path/URL of the RDF document, using which the extension will be determined.

For example, Turtle documents can be detected using the .ttl extension.

const textStream = require('streamify-string')(`
<http://ex.org/s> <http://ex.org/p> <http://ex.org/o1>, <http://ex.org/o2>.

rdfParser.parse(textStream, { path: 'http://example.org/myfile.ttl', baseIRI: 'http://example.org' })
    .on('data', (quad) => console.log(quad))
    .on('error', (error) => console.error(error))
    .on('end', () => console.log('All done!'));

Getting all known content types

With rdfParser.getContentTypes(), you can retrieve a list of all content types for which a parser is available. Note that this method returns a promise that can be await-ed.

rdfParser.getContentTypesPrioritized() returns an object instead, with content types as keys, and numerical priorities as values.

// An array of content types
console.log(await rdfParser.getContentTypes());

// An object of prioritized content types
console.log(await rdfParser.getContentTypesPrioritized());


This software is written by Ruben Taelman.

This code is released under the MIT license.