
Integration with Angular

RingoKam opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Hi! I am looking into integrating the designer into an Angular Application. I tried following the instructions from StencilJS (https://stenciljs.com/docs/angular) but the designer UI doesnt show up.

this is probably the same issue as #18? I don't see any dependency on BScomponent in the source code from github.

Steps I follow:

  1. Adding external dependency like bootstrap css/js on index.html
  2. Add CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA on app.module.ts
  3. Run defineCustomElements on main.ts

full source code:

hmm interesting, i pulled the source code and ran the stencil build and was able to get it working locally. Most likely the version on npm is not the same as github?

I can also do a simple PR to update the on doc on how to integrate with Angular

thank you ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ

If you manage to integrate it with Angular then that would be fantastic. Thanks!

I think people are having issues integrating with the version on npm?

is the code on master branch deployed to npm?

Hey ,

I think I'll just reply on this issue rather than created another.
I'm having trouble setting up the designer with Angular too , I managed to run the designer on standalone mode I think , it displays workflow and activities etc.

But I'm trying to use it with a backend and I haven't been able to passed json to the designer.
here my attempt : https://codesandbox.io/s/workflow-designer-mn9uf?file=/src/app/app.component.html

I ran into a JSON.parse error in the console.

I'm using the 0.0.61 version from unpkg , any exemples using the latest 2.0.0-preview-5 version ?

Thank you , I appreciate any help ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Okay I update my exemple and now it seems to work ๐Ÿ˜„
You can look into my source code , but the main edit was the attribute definition :

hey glad you have it working!

I was only able to get it working by running it from source, seems like there are some issue with the npm version? Anwway, I think we should add your solution in the doc so people can have something to reference to.

I removed the stencil bootstrap logic in main.ts and formbuilder.js reference in index.html.


off topic: @ethermine are you trying to integrate a form builder? I am looking to do the same thing with angular formly ๐Ÿ˜

Thank you for sharing your solution ๐Ÿ™

Thaks for the cleanup ๐Ÿ™ I updated my code with your version ๐Ÿ˜‰

I managed to get it working with the npm version but only using the 0.0.61 version , the latest version use graphql for getting the datas

Yes it will be a great addition to have some examples in the documentation !

off topic : And yeah I'm trying to use a form builder into my main application also linked with the workflow (Invoke form activity , submit form and triggerd a workflow with the output of the form ..)
I've been using Form builder has an angular version, and I'm looking if I can use form.io ๐Ÿ˜‹

hmm where did you reference the npm package in code? I see it as a dependency but not sure where you are referencing it in the code? Aren't you getting the designer from unpkg?

Oh right sorry , in my local versoin I reference in package.json : "@elsa-workflows/elsa-workflow-designer": "0.0.61",
And the I have been using the js from the node_modules , I haven't update the codesandbox with this one.
In angular.json : "assets": [ "src/favicon.ico", "src/assets", { "glob": "**/*", "input": "./node_modules/@elsa-workflows/elsa-workflow-designer", "output": "./assets/elsa-workflow-designer" } ],
And in index.html : <script type="module" src="./assets/elsa-workflow-designer/dist/elsa-workflow-designer/elsa-workflow-designer.esm.js" ></script> <script nomodule="" src="./assets/elsa-workflow-designer/dist/elsa-workflow-designer/elsa-workflow-designer.js" ></script>

But I relly don't know if this is the way to do it , I'm pretty new to angular

oh no worries, your solution looks good ๐Ÿ‘

you included the npm package file in angular.json config file and put them in assets folder. Now we can reference it in index.html

Updated the codesandbox example, most user probably want to know how to get the edited workflow model json.


added PR #21

Great stuff guys! @RingoKam thank you for the PR.