
提议:增加 E2E 测试

Opened this issue · 1 comments

我最近打算采用这个项目来做个系统开发,想着能顺手把 E2E 测试加进来。作者如果认为没有问题的话,我就开始搞了。



以下是我给其他项目做的 E2E 测试的相关信息:

I'm the author of api-testing which is an API testing tool. It seems that no e2e testing in this project. I'd be happy to implement it if you believe it's worth.

In order to let you have a quick kowning about it. Please see also the user's of api-testing.

This is an example https://github.com/apache/hertzbeat/tree/master/e2e. It's pretty simple, see the basic steps:

  • write the test cases in YAML format manually
  • start the server via docker-compose or other ways
  • run the test cases via the command atest
  • stop the CI when the testing is failed

It supports a variety of validations to check if the HTTP API response is ok.