

Closed this issue · 6 comments

@sfshine Can you tell which version of xLog do you use?

same problem

@sfshine @FamliarMan Can you try to use new AndroidPrinter(int maxChunkSize) instead of new AndroidPrinter(), and specify a reasonable chunk size for example 2000 or 3000 (which is less than 4063 - the default one) to see if this issue can be fixed?

@sfshine @FamliarMan Can you try to use new AndroidPrinter(int maxChunkSize) instead of new AndroidPrinter(), and specify a reasonable chunk size for example 2000 or 3000 (which is less than 4063 - the default one) to see if this issue can be fixed?

Sorry,it doesn't fix the issue when I use new AndroidPrinter(4000). This is my log example:
10-26 10:14:37.534 21391-21542/zmsoft.rest.phone D/X-LOG: ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
║ ├ com.dfire.http.util.DfireLogUtils.d(DfireLogUtils.java:27)
║ └ com.dfire.http.core.business.LogInterceptor.printHttpCmd(LogInterceptor.java:163)

║Time: 114 ms url:http://api.2dfire-daily.com/boss-api/chain/v2/get_shop_filter

║curl --connect-timeout 10 -m 15 -H memberSessionId:uw3gaByf%2FJT%2FWHhQPr3R8ugq74W9lX0uag%2B2ENoy5LNeCRXcIAGmZY8IaOdhR9B5mTcFkLATytcESEycRwYmgw%3D%3D -H sessionId:dbQSMHQzybZMP45wPDVcghGCmwCy%2BvHn%2BwS5jP4EKNckfGOw%2BI60V5HIX%2BR%2FmWiv4Dlg%2Fs4KNGp4bdKbJDRIHg%3D%3D -H version:sso -H lang:zh_CN "http://api.2dfire-daily.com/boss-api/chain/v2/get_shop_filter?s_eid=99927439&appKey=100001&sign=d8584b718e48d78e2d843c0bc3673b86&s_br=Redmi+4A&s_osv=23&s_did=8733d5f9ab6cb4b440aad284ad66ab55&s_net=1&format=json&s_apv=*1280&ip=" | json_pp

║memberSessionId : uw3gaByf%2FJT%2FWHhQPr3R8ugq74W9lX0uag%2B2ENoy5LNeCRXcIAGmZY8IaOdhR9B5mTcFkLATytcESEycRwYmgw%3D%3D
║sessionId : dbQSMHQzybZMP45wPDVcghGCmwCy%2BvHn%2BwS5jP4EKNckfGOw%2BI60V5HIX%2BR%2FmWiv4Dlg%2Fs4KNGp4bdKbJDRIHg%3D%3D
║version : sso
║lang : zh_CN

║---------------------Url Params------------------------
║s_eid : 99927439
║appKey : 100001
║sign : d8584b718e48d78e2d843c0bc3673b86
║s_br : Redmi 4A
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10-26 10:14:49.181 21391-21391/zmsoft.rest.phone V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@ed38d83
10-26 10:14:49.182 21391-21391/zmsoft.rest.phone V/BoostFramework: BoostFramework() : mPerf = com.qualcomm.qti.Performance@b835b00
10-26 10:14:49.190 21391-21391/zmsoft.rest.phone W/MIUI-BLOCK-MONITOR: The msg { when=-1ms callback=com.dfire.http.util.ResultUtils$1 target=android.os.Handler planTime=1540520077534 dispatchTime=1540520077534 finishTime=0 } took 11656ms and took 11656ms after dispatch.
10-26 10:14:49.190 21391-21391/zmsoft.rest.phone I/Choreographer: Skipped 699 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
10-26 10:16:02.376 21391-21406/zmsoft.rest.phone I/XINGE: [TPush] getType uri:content://zmsoft.rest.phone.AUTH_XGPUSH/heart,match:30

In fact,the json wasn't very long,but it was truncated.However,sometimes a very long json like below won't:
10-26 10:21:03.653 21391-22045/zmsoft.rest.phone D/X-LOG: ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
║ ├ com.dfire.http.util.DfireLogUtils.d(DfireLogUtils.java:27)
║ └ com.dfire.http.core.business.LogInterceptor.printHttpCmd(LogInterceptor.java:163)

║Time: 3375 ms url:http://api.2dfire-daily.com/boss-api/homepage/v2/list_page_info

║curl --connect-timeout 10 -m 15 -H memberSessionId:uw3gaByf%2FJT%2FWHhQPr3R8ugq74W9lX0uag%2B2ENoy5LNeCRXcIAGmZY8IaOdhR9B5mTcFkLATytcESEycRwYmgw%3D%3D -H sessionId:dbQSMHQzybZMP45wPDVcghGCmwCy%2BvHn%2BwS5jP4EKNckfGOw%2BI60V5HIX%2BR%2FmWiv4Dlg%2Fs4KNGp4bdKbJDRIHg%3D%3D -H version:sso -H lang:zh_CN --data 'page_code=homepage' "http://api.2dfire-daily.com/boss-api/homepage/v2/list_page_info?s_eid=99927439&appKey=100001&sign=62652e39b66ebd6c268701c9c46ba1a1&s_br=Redmi+4A&s_osv=23&s_did=8733d5f9ab6cb4b440aad284ad66ab55&s_net=1&format=json&s_apv=*1280&ip=" | json_pp

║memberSessionId : uw3gaByf%2FJT%2FWHhQPr3R8ugq74W9lX0uag%2B2ENoy5LNeCRXcIAGmZY8IaOdhR9B5mTcFkLATytcESEycRwYmgw%3D%3D
║sessionId : dbQSMHQzybZMP45wPDVcghGCmwCy%2BvHn%2BwS5jP4EKNckfGOw%2BI60V5HIX%2BR%2FmWiv4Dlg%2Fs4KNGp4bdKbJDRIHg%3D%3D
║version : sso
║lang : zh_CN

║---------------------Url Params------------------------
║s_eid : 99927439
║appKey : 100001
║sign : 62652e39b66ebd6c268701c9c46ba1a1
║s_br : Redmi 4A
║s_osv : 23
║s_did : 8733d5f9ab6cb4b440aad284ad66ab55
║s_net : 1
║format : json
║s_apv :
║app_key : 200006
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@FamliarMan Can you try 2000 instead? Seems 4000 is too big to your phone

@elvishew It works fine when I use 2000.