
Practice with Tanua Rascia

Here her github :

Basic workflow

  1. Write the test code and expectation result
  2. write the function for the test code
  3. Use the function, incorporate in your code

Write the test code and expectation result

  • require the module
  • it statement it(1. 'description', 2. function of the moudel being use to test)
  • equal( 1. the function being test, 2. expecting result)
// require test module
const assert = require('assert');
// import the function being test
const operations = require('./operation.js');

it('correctly calculates the sum of 1 and 3', () => {
  assert.equal(operations.add(1, 3), 4);

write the function for the test code

const add = (x, y) => +x + +y;

module.exports = { add };

Use the function, incorporate in your code

console.log(`The sum of ${x} and ${y} is ${operations.add(x, y)}.`);