
The canvas is almost entirely inaccessible by keyboard

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Delivers built-in accessibility so there’s no need to worry about keyboard navigation, accessible colors, screen reader integration, etc

Despite this claim on your homepage, the flow editor/canvas itself seems wholly inoperable by keyboard. The most I can do is issue a Ctrl/Cmd+A command to select all nodes and then press Del to get rid of all of them.

Otherwise, I also cannot figure out how to do anything with a keyboard on the main canvas of the tiny app demonstration. I can certainly activate the buttons and toolbars along the top and sides, but there is no documented or obvious way to put the focus into the canvas, and when I use my mouse to select any of the nodes, I cannot retain the keyboard in that area; if I open a node’s menu with the mouse, I cannot even navigate or dismiss that open menu by keyboard!

You had an open issue #1438 for this keyboard non-operability, which was closed without resolution.

I looked through your posted keyboard documentation, and it makes no mention of any keys assigned to navigating to or around the canvas. I have tried every shortcut I could think of.
I'm left with the conclusion that the product is effectively inaccessible -- lacking as it does any way to interact with the nodes -- OR there is extremely difficult to find methods and documentation on how to do it.