
Elsa crashes when reading forms inside 'let-alist', prints: 'Scan error: "Containing expression ends prematurely"'

spellcard199 opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm having this issue while writing a library in which I'm using (require 'indium). Indium is an emacs package on Melpa.

The error is: Scan error: "Containing expression ends prematurely", 10004, 10005. Even though it doesn't say in which file it happens eventually I managed to narrow the triggering code to specific lines in indium-client.el and elsa-reader.el:

To confirm that the error is triggered when Elsa tries to read let-alist I wrote a minimal example to reproduce the issue without Indium:

# Create a new directory and cd into it:
mkdir elsa-bug-report
cd elsa-bug-report

# Create a cask project:
echo '(source gnu) (source melpa) (depends-on "elsa")' > Cask

# Create a test file:
echo "(let-alist '((foo . 'ok)) (print .foo))" > test.el

# Install Elsa:
cask install

# Run Elsa:
cask exec elsa test.el

# If you want to confirm that the code in test.el is indeed correct:
cask emacs -Q --batch --load test.el
# It should print:
# (quote ok)

To find where in Elsa the error came from, from the same directory created above:

  1. I used this shell command to delete all the .elc files cask creates each time:
    find . -type f -name '*.elc' -exec rm {} +
  2. Then I inserted many print statements inside .cask/26.1/elpa/elsa-20200225.1440/elsa-reader.el until the (down-list) I linked above was surrounded by 2 print expressions, the latter of which wasn't executed when the error was raised

This was the farthest I could go. I wouldn't know how to fix this.

P.S. Is there a way to make the error messages when Elsa fails more verbose, like printing the Backtrace and which file it was reading?

Thanks for your work on Elsa.

Fuco1 commented

P.S. Is there a way to make the error messages when Elsa fails more verbose, like printing the Backtrace and which file it was reading?

I wish I knew how. The whole EIEIO thing doesn't help much either as it generates rather cryptic errors.

I don't know if it's of interest, maybe it's too silly, but posting just in case. In a project I'm writing I added an hack to see in which file Elsa fails. It just adds a rudimentary advice around elsa-process-file.

If from my project directory I run Elsa with...:

cask exec elsa --load elsa-debug-hack.el --eval "(defun elsa-debug-hack-skip-file-p (file) nil)" elisp/qipmx.el

... the result looks like this:

"(scan-error \"Containing expression ends prematurely\" 10004 10005) - .../indium-client.el"
"(scan-error \"Containing expression ends prematurely\" 25061 25062) - .../company.el"
"(scan-error \"Containing expression ends prematurely\" 7936 7937) - .../indium-repl.el"
"(scan-error \"Containing expression ends prematurely\" 1620 1621) - .../indium-nodejs.el"
"(scan-error \"Containing expression ends prematurely\" 2481 2482) - .../indium-chrome.el"

(the actual culprits are indium-client.el and company.el, the others just require indium-client)

If instead I set the elsa-debug-hack-skip-if-error to nil...:

cask exec elsa --load elsa-debug-hack.el --eval "(progn (defun elsa-debug-hack-skip-file-p (file) nil) (setq elsa-debug-hack-skip-file-if-error nil))" elisp/qipmx.el

... after the first error it stops and prints a very long backtrace.

(The hack also contains a function called elsa-debug-hack-skip-file-p that is unrelated to this issue. I wrote that just to speedup both Elsa and flycheck-elsa, since I know that an error will be thrown anyway.)