
evil-open-line in python src block is extremely slow

et2010 opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue type

  • Bug report


Emacs version: GNU Emacs 27.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32)
Operating System: Windows 8.1
Evil version: Evil version evil-git-bb013ef99
Evil installation type: MELPA
Graphical/Terminal: Graphical
Tested in a make emacs session (see CONTRIBUTING.md): No

Reproduction steps

  • Start Emacs
  • Open an org file
  • Insert a Python src block
  • Move cursor onto the src block
  • Call evil-open-line with o

Expected behavior

Open a line without perceptible slowdown

Actual behavior

Opening a line takes 4-5 seconds


Further notes

Opening line in other code blocks such as elisp blocks doesn't suffer from this behavior.

I found a workaround by disabling auto-indent when the cursor is in python src-block:

    (defvar et/evil-open-line-no-indent-langs '("python" "ipython"))

    (defun evil-open-no-autoindent (oldfun arg)
      (if (and evil-auto-indent
               (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
               (member (org-eldoc-get-src-lang) et/evil-open-line-no-indent-langs))
          (let ((evil-auto-indent nil))
            (funcall oldfun arg))
        (funcall oldfun arg)))

    (advice-add #'evil-open-above :around #'evil-open-no-autoindent)
    (advice-add #'evil-open-below :around #'evil-open-no-autoindent)