
Initialize helm-source-ls-git

kanbouchou opened this issue · 6 comments


I'd like to first thank you for the great package, this is one of my favorite helm packages.

The way I'm using helm-ls-git is adding helm-source-ls-git to helm-for-files-preferred-list, and invoking helm-for-files.
The problem is that helm-source-ls-git is initially nil, and helm-for-files doesn't show git files.
Invoking helm-ls-git-ls once, helm-source-ls-git is initialized and helm-for-files shows git files as expected.
I am getting around this by doing this in my init.el.

(setq helm-source-ls-git-status
      (and (memq 'helm-source-ls-git-status helm-ls-git-default-sources)
           (helm-make-source "Git status" 'helm-ls-git-status-source
             :fuzzy-match helm-ls-git-fuzzy-match))
      (and (memq 'helm-source-ls-git helm-ls-git-default-sources)
           (helm-make-source "Git files" 'helm-ls-git-source
             :fuzzy-match helm-ls-git-fuzzy-match))
      (and (memq 'helm-source-ls-git-buffers helm-ls-git-default-sources)
           (helm-make-source "Buffers in git project" 'helm-source-buffers
             :header-name #'helm-ls-git-header-name
             :buffer-list (lambda () (helm-browse-project-get-buffers
             :keymap helm-ls-git-buffer-map)))

I suppose this should happen on helm-ls-git side.

okay, it is designed to be that way. I can configure it in my init.el, no problem.

However, I know a few people like me who is using helm-ls-git and were wondering why it doesn't show up in helm-for-files until helm-ls-git-ls is invoked once. And maybe most of the users just want it configured by default.

So providing a function like what I am doing on the package side, or at least some note in readme about how to configure it initially would be nice.

I tried your change (47981a8), and I get this error and don't see files under git when I invoke helm-ls-git-ls

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-slot-name "#<helm-ls-git-status-source Git status>" :group)
  signal(invalid-slot-name ("#<helm-ls-git-status-source Git status>" :group))
  #[(object slot-name operation &optional new-value) "\302\303\304�!	D\"\207" [object slot-name signal invalid-slot-name eieio-object-name] 4 "Method invoked when an attempt to access a slot in OBJECT fails.\nSLOT-NAME is the name of the failed slot, OPERATION is the type of access\nthat was requested, and optional NEW-VALUE is the value that was desired\nto be set.\n\nThis method is called from `oref', `oset', and other functions which\ndirectly reference slots in EIEIO objects."]([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] :group oset helm-ls-git)
  apply(#[(object slot-name operation &optional new-value) "\302\303\304�!	D\"\207" [object slot-name signal invalid-slot-name eieio-object-name] 4 "Method invoked when an attempt to access a slot in OBJECT fails.\nSLOT-NAME is the name of the failed slot, OPERATION is the type of access\nthat was requested, and optional NEW-VALUE is the value that was desired\nto be set.\n\nThis method is called from `oref', `oset', and other functions which\ndirectly reference slots in EIEIO objects."] ([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] :group oset helm-ls-git))
  slot-missing([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] :group oset helm-ls-git)
  #[(obj slots) "\304\216�\305H	B�\n\2057�\306�\305H\n@\"\211�\204%�\307�\n@\310\nA@$\210\202-�\311��\nA@#\210)\nAA\211�\204\f�\312)\207" [obj eieio--scoped-class-stack slots rn ((byte-code "�\210�A�\301\207" [eieio--scoped-class-stack nil] 1)) 1 eieio-initarg-to-attribute slot-missing oset eieio-oset nil] 6 "Set slots of OBJ with SLOTS which is a list of name/value pairs.\nCalled from the constructor routine."]([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  apply(#[(obj slots) "\304\216�\305H	B�\n\2057�\306�\305H\n@\"\211�\204%�\307�\n@\310\nA@$\210\202-�\311��\nA@#\210)\nAA\211�\204\f�\312)\207" [obj eieio--scoped-class-stack slots rn ((byte-code "�\210�A�\301\207" [eieio--scoped-class-stack nil] 1)) 1 eieio-initarg-to-attribute slot-missing oset eieio-oset nil] 6 "Set slots of OBJ with SLOTS which is a list of name/value pairs.\nCalled from the constructor routine."] ([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git)))
  shared-initialize([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  #[(this &optional slots) "�\306H\307N\211�\310H�	\311H�\n\203/�\312�@!\211��@=\204%�\313�\n@\f#\210)\nA��A�\202��+\314�
\"\207" [this this-class slot defaults dflt slots 1 eieio-class-definition 5 6 eieio-default-eval-maybe eieio-oset shared-initialize] 5 "Construct the new object THIS based on SLOTS.\nSLOTS is a tagged list where odd numbered elements are tags, and\neven numbered elements are the values to store in the tagged slot.\nIf you overload the `initialize-instance', there you will need to\ncall `shared-initialize' yourself, or you can call `call-next-method'\nto have this constructor called automatically.  If these steps are\nnot taken, then new objects of your class will not have their values\ndynamically set from SLOTS."]([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  apply(#[(this &optional slots) "�\306H\307N\211�\310H�	\311H�\n\203/�\312�@!\211��@=\204%�\313�\n@\f#\210)\nA��A�\202��+\314�
\"\207" [this this-class slot defaults dflt slots 1 eieio-class-definition 5 6 eieio-default-eval-maybe eieio-oset shared-initialize] 5 "Construct the new object THIS based on SLOTS.\nSLOTS is a tagged list where odd numbered elements are tags, and\neven numbered elements are the values to store in the tagged slot.\nIf you overload the `initialize-instance', there you will need to\ncall `shared-initialize' yourself, or you can call `call-next-method'\nto have this constructor called automatically.  If these steps are\nnot taken, then new objects of your class will not have their values\ndynamically set from SLOTS."] ([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git)))
  initialize-instance([object helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" nil helm-ls-git-header-name (lambda nil (helm-init-candidates-in-buffer (quote global) (helm-ls-git-status))) helm-candidates-in-buffer nil nil helm-ls-git-map (("Find file" . helm-find-many-files) ("Git status" lambda (_candidate) (funcall helm-ls-git-status-command (helm-default-directory)))) helm-ls-git-diff "Diff" nil nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-transformer nil nil nil helm-ls-git-status-action-transformer nil nil t (identity) nil identity nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil buffer-substring-no-properties (helm-candidates-in-buffer-search-default-fn) nil] (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  eieio-default-superclass(helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git)
  apply(eieio-default-superclass (helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  eieio-generic-call(constructor (helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  constructor(helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git)
  apply(constructor helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  helm-ls-git-status-source("Git status" :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git)
  apply(helm-ls-git-status-source ("Git status" :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  make-instance(helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git)
  apply(make-instance helm-ls-git-status-source "Git status" (:fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git))
  helm-make-source("Git status" helm-ls-git-status-source :fuzzy-match nil :group helm-ls-git)
  (and (memq (quote helm-source-ls-git-status) helm-ls-git-default-sources) (helm-make-source "Git status" (quote helm-ls-git-status-source) :fuzzy-match helm-ls-git-fuzzy-match :group (quote helm-ls-git)))
  (setq helm-source-ls-git-status (helm-ls-git-build-git-status-source) helm-source-ls-git (helm-ls-git-build-ls-git-source) helm-source-ls-git-buffers (helm-ls-git-build-buffers-source))
  (if (let* ((--cl-var-- helm-ls-git-default-sources) (s nil) (--cl-flag-- t)) (while (and (consp --cl-var--) (progn (setq s (car --cl-var--)) (setq --cl-flag-- (symbol-value s)))) (setq --cl-var-- (cdr --cl-var--))) (if --cl-flag-- (progn t) nil)) nil (setq helm-source-ls-git-status (helm-ls-git-build-git-status-source) helm-source-ls-git (helm-ls-git-build-ls-git-source) helm-source-ls-git-buffers (helm-ls-git-build-buffers-source)))
  call-interactively(helm-ls-git-ls record nil)
  command-execute(helm-ls-git-ls record)
  execute-extended-command(nil "helm-ls-git-ls")
  smex-read-and-run(("helm-ls-git-ls" "describe-variable" "toggle-debug-on-error" "eval-buffer" "magit-pull" "magit-run-gitk-all" "el-get-update" "ag" "vc-annotate" "open-junk-file" "helm-yas-complete" "comment-region" "magit-fetch-all" "make-frame" "global-git-gutter-mode" "uncomment-region" "beginning-of-buffer" "qml-mode" "google-this" "magit-log" "align-regexp" "magit-checkout" "global-auto-complete-mode" "flyspell-buffer" "git-messenger:popup-message" "helm-man-woman" "git-gutter:update-all-windows" "end-of-buffer" "python-mode" "yas-global-mode" "describe-key" "c++-mode" "makefile-mode" "compilation-mode" "helm-migemo-mode" "rainbow-delimiters-mode" "anzu-query-replace-regexp" "ag-regexp" "revert-buffer" "which-function-mode" "eval-region" "magit-run-gitk" "auto-revert-mode" "jedi:goto-definition" "jedi-mode" "delete-frame" "describe-mode" "global-company-mode" "highlight-symbol-mode" "eshell" ...))
  call-interactively(smex nil nil)

Does it work for you?

okay, using latest helm-source fixed the problem for me.
Thank you!