
[Feature request] Select language to check

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Here is my config (which works fine):

  (use-package flycheck-languagetool
    (text-mode . flycheck-languagetool-setup)
    (org-mode . flycheck-languagetool-setup)
    (latex-mode . flycheck-languagetool-setup)
    (markdown-mode . flycheck-languagetool-setup)
    (setq flycheck-languagetool-url "https://api.languagetool.org")
    (setq flycheck-languagetool-server-jar nil)
    (setq flycheck-languagetool-server-port nil)
    (setq flycheck-languagetool-language "fr-FR")
    (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'languagetool)

How could I add (setq flycheck-languagetool-language "en-US") ?

You mean to check with multiple languages in a file? 🤔 I haven't use language-tool for a while, so I don't know if that is possible.

I mean being able to use LanguageTool french checker in a buffer when I'm writing in French. And being able to use LanguageTool English checker in another buffer when I'm writing in English.

No, unfortunately, there is no default way to do this. You will have to set it yourself,

(setq-local flycheck-languagetool-language "en-US")

in France buffer,

(setq-local flycheck-languagetool-language "fr-FR")

Thank you, M-: (setq-local flycheck-languagetool-language "en-US") or M-: (setq-local flycheck-languagetool-language "fr-FR") work fine within buffer.

Could the following functionality be added as an enhancement request?

To be able to have multiple LanguageTool checkers options when in flycheck-select-checked (e.g. en-US, fr-FR, etc.).

Could the following functionality be added as an enhancement request?

To be able to have multiple LanguageTool checkers options when in flycheck-select-checked (e.g. en-US, fr-FR, etc.).

You mean the interface to select language before starting the checker?

I mean, the ability to choose between FR, EN or else, here: https://paste.pics/MJ2L7

Of course, I will find some time to implement this! :D

Awesome, thank you!