
Question: how can I get rid of "Processing" message from modeline

Javran opened this issue · 3 comments

My apologies in advance if this isn't the right place to ask this question - in fact I have no idea which project is responsible for this behavior.

I notice that, as I start typing in a .hs file, there's a "⌛ Processing" flashing up and disappearing very frequently in the modeline, like this one:
and this gets annoying very quickly.

I've tried turning off everything that looks like "lsp-modeline-*-mode" but none seem to be the right switch.

Change lsp-progress-function to identity

Thanks for the quick response!

To be fair, I also believe there may be a HLS bug here. I have long suspected that it does not report progress correctly, which sometimes leads to flickring progress notifications or sometimes just dead ones.