
Copy to remote path with different name than local path

brneor opened this issue · 2 comments

When I try to copy a local file located on /home/user/project/branch/file.txt to remote path /home/user/scripts/ it keeps creating the branch folder and putting file.txt on it. Am I missing some configuration?

@hailbreno Probably projectile is unable to identify the root directory of your project.

The most easiest way is to run git init in your project's root directory, or instead place .projectile (which can be an empty file) instead.

Other methods can also be solved by writing the full path of your project in copy-file-on-save-base-dir. (It would be better to write in .dir-locals.el or .dir-locals-2.el)

Setting the copy-file-on-save-base-dir variable on my .dir-locals.el solves the issue. Thanks @zonuexe.