
Can't get it working in any usable fashion.

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(setq psysh-comint-buffer-process "path/to/shell.php")

I pointed it to a copy of shell.php and it complains that:-

Wrong type argument: listp, "path/to/shell.php"

Not setting it and running psysh inside emacs I get

WARNING: terminal is not fully functional

The second part is down to using less I think but using (setenv "PAGER" "cat") doesn't cure it either.

A usage example would be great. How is psysh supposed to launch? When my webserver hits the Psy/Shell line the webserver running in the terminal shws Psy output - a manually started PsySh "shell" in emacs sits there.

Oh, posted Dec 30th, just recently. Hmm, one year ago. No answer!?

I got it work somehow. I don't use shell.php and I leave the variable psysh-comint-buffer-process unset. psysh is installed with composer and the bin directory where it was downloaded is on my PATH.


Then Invoke M-x psysh and it will open it in a second buffer that is totally unrelated to the PHP file. In the PHP file buffer select a region and invoke M-x psysh-eval-region. I could not find a keybinding for it. The php-mode seems to be rather unaffected by psysh-mode running in the other buffer.

Oh, posted Dec 30th, just recently. Hmm, one year ago. No answer!?

I got it work somehow. I don't use shell.php and I leave the variable psysh-comint-buffer-process unset. psysh is installed with composer and the bin directory where it was downloaded is on my PATH.


Then Invoke M-x psysh and it will open it in a second buffer that is totally unrelated to the PHP file. In the PHP file buffer select a region and invoke M-x psysh-eval-region. I could not find a keybinding for it. The php-mode seems to be rather unaffected by psysh-mode running in the other buffer.

Heh. Blast from the past. I didn't follow it up. Moved on. I'll close it.