
Customizable example count

Closed this issue · 3 comments

At the moment, max of 3 test/examples is imposed on docs. e.g.

(etd-examples my-func
  (my-func 1 2 3) => '(1 2 3)
  (my-func 2 4 6) => '(2 4 6)
  (my-func 5 6 7) => '(5 6 7)
  (my-func "missing") => '("missing"))

Would only show the first three tests in the etd generated documentation.

I want to allow a blanket change to that limit.

Added to tag/2.1.1


(let ((etd-example-length 5) ; Document 5 examples max per example set
      (examples-file "mytests.el")
      (template "README_template.md")
      (readme "README.md"))
  (etd-create-docs-file-for examples-file template readme))

in 2.1.2 (Fixed)