
Formatting issues

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The current version has a number of formatting issues.

  1. Repeated keywords
  2. Time format on the Dashboard is in ms ???
  3. Click on the following icon and observe the list...
    => There is a bunch of duplicated information...
    Maybe there are some more issues but these ones definitely require immediate attention...

Can you create a sample project and share with us?

Here is the feature file:

Feature: Title of your feature
I want to use this template for my feature file

Scenario: Title of your scenario
Given I want to write a step with precondition
And some other precondition
When I complete action
And some other action
And yet another action
Then I validate the outcomes
And check more outcomes

Scenario Outline: Title of your scenario outline
Given I want to write a step with
When I check for the in step
Then I verify the in step

| name |value | status |
| name1 | 5 | success|
| name2 | 7 | Fail |

Here is the step implementation java class:

package outline;


public class ReportTest {

@Given("^I want to write a step with precondition$")
public void i_want_to_write_a_step_with_precondition() throws Throwable {


@Given("^some other precondition$")
public void some_other_precondition() throws Throwable {


@When("^I complete action$")
public void i_complete_action() throws Throwable {


@When("^some other action$")
public void some_other_action() throws Throwable {


@When("^yet another action$")
public void yet_another_action() throws Throwable {


@Then("^I validate the outcomes$")
public void i_validate_the_outcomes() throws Throwable {


@Then("^check more outcomes$")
public void check_more_outcomes() throws Throwable {


@Given("^I want to write a step with name(\\d+)$")
public void i_want_to_write_a_step_with_name(int arg1) throws Throwable {


@When("^I check for the (\\d+) in step$")
public void i_check_for_the_in_step(int arg1) throws Throwable {


@Then("^I verify the success in step$")
public void i_verify_the_success_in_step() throws Throwable {


@Then("^I verify the Fail in step$")
public void i_verify_the_Fail_in_step() throws Throwable {



@testronic : This issue should be reported directly to the extent report. However, regarding your 3rd issue that I see the @tag is tagged in all the levels. So it is as expected.

Kindly re-open in case you need further help.

OK. I think this issue cannot be reported directly to the extent report because it is used not the same way as they recommend. I used the Extent Reports for standard tests (not BDD) with no problem. Unfortunately their documentation for a BDD-style report is very limited and I do not understand how to use it
Here is only what they have:

// gherkin classes

// feature
ExtentTest feature = extent.createTest("Refund item");

// scenario
ExtentTest scenario = feature.createNode(Scenario.class, "Jeff returns a faulty microwave");
scenario.createNode(Given.class, "Jeff has bought a microwave for $100").pass("pass");
scenario.createNode(And.class, "he has a receipt").pass("pass");
scenario.createNode(When.class, "he returns the microwave").pass("pass");
scenario.createNode(Then.class, "Jeff should be refunded $100").fail("fail");

Regarding 3rd issue you are maybe right, but why "Title of your feature" is repeated 4 times and "Title of your feature outline" is repeated twice on two lines? it makes absolutely no sense... Any user or a manager would expect to see just a list of executed scenarios. I hope you will be able to fix it...

#2 has been taken care of already.

Please open #1 and #3 in the extent repo, both can be taken up for the upcoming release.