
TheHive5 analysis in alert

cdaniel44 opened this issue · 5 comments

With TheHive 5 it is today possile to run analyzers in alerts, Is this possible to get a version that create an alert with all artifacts analyzed and if we got a Safe or a Malicious verdict, a case creation. But not when we got a Suspicious verdict. Like that an analyst can take the alert later.

Amazing tool thank for your work !


Hello, unfortunately ThePhish does not officially support TheHive 5 and this feature cannot be implemented using TheHive 4.

did the update is currently an open case ? i have the same need...
if not intrested by an pr for it ?

The support for TheHive 5 will come only once the new TheHive4py API for TheHive 5 becomes stable. The current API is not guaranteed to work with TheHive 5.