
Do you have a working ISO Image for the Phish ?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Work environment

Question Answer
OS version (server) Ubuntu, Kali linux
OS version (client) XP, Seven, 10, Ubuntu, ...
Python version
Type of email address used Gmail,
Mail client type & version Gmail, ...
Browser type & version Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, ...
Virtualized Env. True /

| vCPU | 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 |
| ThePhish version | |
| TheHive version | |
| Cortex version | |
| MISP version | |
| Installed using Docker and Docker Compose | True / False |
| Docker Version | If applicable |
| Docker Compose version | If applicable |

I have tried so many times until we succeeded set the cortex, hive, misp, thePhis alive but it seems a gmail not working anymore these, cannot run thePhish when try to connect gmail
Do you have a working iso image or OVA, OVF I can analyze with ?
where can I download ? please help

Unfortunately I don't have any VM image to provide, but this looks like a gmail configuration problem, which would not be solvable with a pre-configured VM.