
Antenna separation GSSI Structure Scan XT device

emanuelhuber opened this issue · 1 comments

Anyway I have some real data files from a GSSI Structure Scan XT device
(here attached). To me the antenna separation should be about 80 mm in that
But importing datas I get 0:

 Formal class 'GPR' [package "RGPR"] with 29 slots
   ..@ version     : chr "0.2"
   ..@ data        : num [1:510, 1:903] 0.00041 0.000358 0.00031 0.000349
 0.000295 ...
   ..@ traces      : int [1:903] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
   ..@ depth       : num [1:510] 0 0.00803 0.01607 0.0241 0.03214 ...
   ..@ pos         : num [1:903] 0 0.00125 0.0025 0.00375 0.005 ...
   ..@ time0       : num [1:903] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
   ..@ time        : num [1:903] 1.43e+09 1.43e+09 1.43e+09 1.43e+09
 1.43e+09 ...
   ..@ fid         : chr [1:903] "" "" "" "" ...
   ..@ ann         : chr(0)
   ..@ coord       : logi[0 , 0 ]
   ..@ rec         : logi[0 , 0 ]
   ..@ trans       : logi[0 , 0 ]
   ..@ coordref    : num(0)
   ..@ freq        : num 0
   ..@ dz          : num 0.00803
   ..@ dx          : num 0.00125
   ..@ antsep      : num 0
   ..@ name        : chr "FILE__008"
   ..@ description : chr ""
   ..@ filepath    : chr "rawGPR/FILE__008.DZT"
   ..@ depthunit   : chr "ns"
   ..@ posunit     : chr "cm"
   ..@ surveymode  : chr "reflection"
   ..@ date        : chr "2015-03-05"
   ..@ crs         : chr(0)
   ..@ proc        : chr(0)
   ..@ vel         :List of 1
   .. ..$ : num 0.12
   ..@ delineations: list()
   ..@ hd          :List of 24
   .. ..$ TAG       : int 2047
   .. ..$ OFFSETDATA: num 131072
   .. ..$ NSAMP     : int 512
   .. ..$ BITS      : int 32
   .. ..$ ZERO      : int 3
   .. ..$ SPS       : num 250
   .. ..$ SPM       : num 800
   .. ..$ MPM       : num 5
   .. ..$ POSITION  : num -0.411
   .. ..$ RANGE     : num 4.11
   .. ..$ NPASS     : int 0
   .. ..$ DATE      : chr "2015-03-05"
   .. ..$ TIME      : chr "27:01:00"
   .. ..$ OFFSETTEXT: int 512
   .. ..$ NTEXT     : int 0
   .. ..$ PROC      : int 128
   .. ..$ NPROC     : int 13
   .. ..$ NCHAN     : int 1
   .. ..$ EPSR      : num 6
   .. ..$ TOP       : num 0.0246
   .. ..$ DEPTH     : num 0.246
   .. ..$ ANT       : chr "none"
   .. ..$ VSBYTE    : int 28672
   .. ..$ MRKS      : int [1:903] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..
could be that not every device is going to write that parameter into the
Which measure unit has that parameter? Meter [m] or millimeter [mm]. In
other words: should I put there 0.08 or 80 if the antenna separation 80 mm

Thank you very much.

The .dzt files do not hold any information about antenna separation distance, see SIR 30 manual, page 106: https://www.geophysical.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/GSSI-SIR-30-Manual.pdf

You need to set manually the antenna separation in the unit of A@depthunit:

antsep(A) <- 0.08   # m

Note that you can change the "depthunit" manually but you have to adapt (if necessary the trace position as well as the antenna separation distance): depthunit(A) <- "m"