
Windows Builds seems to be broken

Closed this issue · 3 comments

To reproduce grab the present main and build on a window machine.
You should get this error. It has something to do with the fmt ? maybe?


seems bad.

Might be relevent:

It would match the story about the "println(...{:?}..., something);" causing issues. as fmt seems to be at the root of the call stack.

So I took the folder from windows after d.ps1 executed and moved it to my linux setup. And got the same problem. So this is actually probably a problem with the d.ps1 and maybe not with the rust code.

./d.ps1 is pulling embassy-rs/stm32-data-sources@74b9781 (April 12) but

./d is pulling embassy-rs/stm32-data-sources@709c106 (April 29)

Manually pulling embassy-rs/stm32-data-sources@709c106 or embassy-rs/stm32-data-sources@1a37515 (Jun 7) fixes the build.

This is good advice.