
Fancier Block Particle Crash

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there, I'm having a crash when trying to break leaves infested with silkworm from Project Ozone 3 when standing up close I think, but I don't remember what item I was having in hand and I don't know if it affects it.

The full log is here https://mclo.gs/aI3Hw2O

Separate issue;
And yes I'm using optifine for the shaders, everytime the game started (at the main menu screen) it will constantly crash which I can still continuing on by clicking back to title screen. Here is also the log https://mclo.gs/OzbmXKD.

Although the shaders work in game.

Is the crash when breaking leaves fixed if you use the latest nightly build?

Is the crash when breaking leaves fixed if you use the latest nightly build?

it still crashes, here is the new log

I don't see a crash in this log. However, I wasn't able to replicate the issue when using the latest build. Can you check if this occurs if only VintageFix/FBP/Ex Nihilo are installed?

Okay, I've tested with just those 3 mods installed in a new instance and there are no crashes occur when breaking the infested leaves.

At my current instance of Project Ozone 3, I tested it again and this time only freezes the game without any crashes.
I guess this is mod conflicts with something in PO3 modpack?