
Version 0.4.3 crashes Minecraft when Cubic Chunks is installed.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have ruled out all recently installed mods and Cubic Chunks seems to be the source of my game crashing when Vintage Fix is installed. I am using Multi MC version 0.7.0 with Minecraft version 1.12.2 on the latest version of Windows 10. The version of Vintage Fix being used is version 0.4.2 and the version of cubic chunks being used is version 1.12.2-0.0.1280.0-SNAPSHOT-all. I have attached the log for the stop error to this message and I also intend to contact the developers of Cubic Chunks since I'm not sure what the source of the incompatibility is yet.

oh it says that you disabled mixinbooter which vintagefix needs to be able to work

oh ok i just tested it and it doesn't work for me either with mixinbooter. so for now go in VintageFix config file and turn off mixin.chunk_access to make it work with CubicChunks

Looks like a mixin conflict between VintageFix's ChunkMixin and Cubic Chunks. Might be reasonable to leave this as it is given that the VintageFix mixin can simply be disabled.

Changing mixin.chunk_access in the config file to false does not appear to have solved the crash error. Here is the second crash error I'm getting.

  1. Like hampop said, your pack instance has MixinBooter disabled; enable it as it is required by VintageFix.
  2. Your title says you're using 0.4.3, but the latest release (as of writing, on CF) is 0.4.2, which is what you have installed.
  3. One of the recent commits cd2ed93 fixed this issue. The latest beta build that has this commit can be downloaded from the link in the readme.

Fixed in 0.5.0