
[Major Need] Proper Documentation of README for CONTRIBUTION

ArchishmanSengupta opened this issue · 2 comments

embench-iot is indeed a great project but it can be better. As an user & i would like to make CHANGES in the README file or add a CONTRIBUTING.md file so that a developer who wants to CONTRIBUTE can easily follow the steps of its installation starting from Forking the repo.

This is will cover Issue:

  1. #111
  2. #112
  3. #113

Please assign me this and please provide a communication medium (slack or any other).

Thank YOU

Hi @ArchishmanSengupta

All contributions are welcome. I would encourage you to join our monthly calls. The next one is at 08:00 Pacific Time on Monday 15 March (tomorrow). Agenda and videoconference details will be published shortly on the Embench mailing list.

will be joining the call. Thanks