
Predicate seems to now be required in template helpers

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Previously you could write something like:
{{#liquid-if this.myCondition}} Hidden {{/if}}

As of v0.36 it seems you must write:
{{#liquid-if predicate=this.myCondition}} Hidden {{/if}}

The docs do not reflect this:

Is predicate intended to be required (the tests use it that way), or is this unintentional?

@LucasHillDex thanks for info... i think we need only to publish docs, because we have already updated.


I will look to find time

@LucasHillDex Docs are now published... thanks for reporting (current docs were 6 years old 😅)

Note: Yes predicate is now required, because everything in v0.36 is now glimmer