
TypeError: Cannot read property 'eachAttribute' of null (store.unloadAll bug?)

shamcode opened this issue Β· 45 comments

Hi! I had error for this code:

this.store.findRecord( 'animal', 1 )
  .then( () => this.store.unloadAll( 'animal' ) )
  .then( () => this.store.findRecord( 'animal', 1 ) ) ;


vendor.js:30401 TypeError: Cannot read property 'eachAttribute' of null
    at new Snapshot (vendor.js:73205)
    at InternalModel.createSnapshot (vendor.js:67158)
    at _find (vendor.js:76062)
    at Class._fetchRecord (vendor.js:74068)
    at _fetchRecord (vendor.js:74129)
    at Class._flushPendingFetchForType (vendor.js:74230)
    at cb (vendor.js:31972)
    at OrderedSet.forEach (vendor.js:31777)
    at MapWithDefault.forEach (vendor.js:31980)
    at Class.flushAllPendingFetches (vendor.js:74110)

ember-data LOC

Repo for reproduce (ember-twiddle down?)

I can be wrong, but it seems that this._isDematerializing in InternalModel should be equal to false after call store.unloadAll method.

I'm having the same problem.
Workaround: unloadRecord -> schedule('destroy') => _isDematerializing: false -> findRecord

@NagiTs thank you, but is workaround :)

Out of curiosity. What version are you using? Is it the newest 2.13?

Yes, ember-cli/ember/ember-data 2.13.
2.12 hasn't got this bug.

unloadRecord was reworked in 2.13 (commit: 2f18405, location:


A similar bug was fixed in #2870 (#3296 (comment)) 2 years ago.

omh commented

Same here, upgraded to 2.13 from 2.10 and encountered this bug :/

omh commented

@NagiTs: not sure I quite follow your steps for the workaround. Would you be able to elaborate a bit more please?


Ember.run.schedule('destroy', this, function() {
  this.store.findRecord('my-model', 1);

My application was suffering from this too. I was manually unloading some records that appear to have been inflight to work around #3084. Once I removed the manual unloading, everything went back to normal.

Confirm. This has popped up since upgrading from 2.12 to 2.13. The workaround #4963 (comment) did work for me.

Wonder if unloadRecord/unloadAll should return a Promise if it is apparently async. So you could write

this.store.unloadRecord(rec).then(() => {
  return this.store.findRecord('my-model', 1);

I'm having this same issue, although I am not explicitly attempting to fetch a new record afterwards.

We had same issue. Downgrading to 2.12.0 is an alternative solution until this is fixed

raido commented

One more use case, failing test - raido@b1f026e

raido commented

https://github.com/raido/ember-data-unloadAll-regression - this is basically the same as the unit test case I posted before, except one can easily test with different ED versions against the test case.

Got the same issue with 2.13.0, but it seems in my case a 404 response from server when loading a record was causing it, downgrading to 2.12.2 solved the issue.

We extend store service as workaround:

import Ember from 'ember';
import StoreService from 'ember-data/store';

const {RSVP, run} = Ember;

export default StoreService.extend({
  unloadAll() {
    const args = arguments;
    return new RSVP.Promise(resolve => {
      run.schedule('destroy', this, function() {

Thx @NagiTs and @simonihmig for idea.

+1 having this same issue. Seems a recent unloading records change is causing numerous regressions.

yeah, maybe #4986 has the same root cause

We are experiencing both this issue and #4986. Based on my own digging, I believe to both be related

raido commented

How we could get more attention on this?

I have same issue.
@raido, we should left here MOAR comments

We are experiencing this too, plus I believe also #4986, and have seen another exception that would appear to be closely related, but doesn't match exactly.

The further example is visiting route A which loads up a lot of records using a complex query, leaving it for route B, whereby the willTransition for the route A calls unloadRecord for all the data the complex query had loaded, and then re-visiting the route A. This causes the same query to be performed, but I then see an exception like Assertion Failed: calling set on destroyed object: <DS.PromiseManyArray:ember2176>.content = <DS.ManyArray:ember3569> from deep within ember-data ManyRelationship._updateLoadingPromise is in the stack. Obviously in this example the destroy loop cycle should have run several times.

@shamcode I think #5011 fixes this, at least I just tried with your repo, and and the error is gone.
I'm closing

raido commented

https://github.com/raido/ember-data-unloadAll-regression - this is basically the same as the unit test case I posted before, except one can easily test with different ED versions against the test case.

This is still failing.

raido commented

Also this: raido@12d6984 basically it the same as previous comment just in unit test form.

So I can confirm that #5011 does fix this with regards to the eachAttribute issue. However I'm left with a new issue that immediately after unloading, I get a bunch of:

Assertion Failed: You looked up the 'evalWallItems' relationship on a 'wallitem' with id MTpXYWxsSXRlbSwxMTg5MDAwMQ but some of the associated records were not loaded. Either make sure they are all loaded together with the parent record, or specify that the relationship is async ('DS.hasMany({ async: true })')

In my app, I'm trying to unload a bunch of records that have bidirectional relationships. It seems regardless of which order I unload the records, I get this issue. This was not the case with 1.12. The same set of code works fine.

Edit: After much more research and digging, I can confirm that this issue is fixed. The other issue I mentioned in this comment was ultimately caused by the issue described in #4986. The error was being caught and it caused this other issue to surface. So nothing to see here, once #4986 is fixed I should be πŸ‘.

Facing similar problem. Is the bug fixed in ember version 2.14.0 ?

Just a note in case it helps anyone. I was having this issue in some of my acceptance tests, turned out to be I hadn't built all of the relationships correctly in mirage. It was thrown when a record referenced in one model was not returned by the (fake) API.

We are still having this issue in 2.16.0-canary (master), so it doesn't seem like #5011 fixed this for all cases.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'eachAttribute' of null
    at new Snapshot (-private.js:5111)

It works fine with Ember data 2.12.

Offending code:

items.forEach((item) => this.store.unloadRecord(item));

Where items are the child in a hasMany relationship. Basically as per #4986

cc @runspired @stefanpenner

@Kilowhisky thanks, but that was not the issue here.

@Kilowhisky now that you have brought that up I'm going to investigate it a little further. Never considered the possible mutation.

Does this bug has been fixed in Ember v2.15.1 ?

still seeing this in 2.14.10

My workaround is to destroy the record before unloading it:

// fails

// works
  .then(() => {

Also, we're applying this fix after unloading: #5041 (comment)

Ember 2.13.2
I'm trying to unload already destroyed (from another user) record when the current user is trying to remove it again:

    .then(() => doSomething())
    .catch(reason => {
        if (reason && reason.errors && reason.errors[0] && reason.errors[0].status === '404') {

But this code throws an error only if I have some reverse relations in my Ember models.
For example:

let ModelOne = DS.Model.extend({
    models: DS.hasMany('model-two')
let ModelTwo = DS.Model.extend({
    owner: DS.belongsTo('model-one')

I cannot update the project right now due to some dependencies.

@Devoter I don’t think this going to be addressed. There have been numerous unload issues on version of ember data past 2.12. Some small issues were addressed but not much. This is what I suggest (since I have too) to pin your project at 2.12.

Similar issue here :/ pinning to 2.12 for now

@armiiller @tylerturdenpants @Devoter did you try the current release, ie 3.0.1 ?
I was pinnin to 2.12 until this release, and it seems to work well on my side.

@sly7-7 - I'll try it out later this afternoon. Have you noticed any other side affects from jumping a major release?

@armiiller For the moment, not at all. All πŸ’š

@sly7-7 I cannot try the current release due to third party dependencies of my project.

@Devoter Not even ember-data 2.18.1 ? If yes, it also has the fix, otherwise I'm just sad for you, I don't have any idea how to workaround this bug.

I'm getting this in ED 3.0.2

@amk221 Yeah, in some cases this bug is still present. I had to downgrade to 2.12.2. Issues are tracked in #5353 #5354 and #5343