Irregular Singularize of "Drives"
southpolesteve opened this issue · 3 comments
southpolesteve commented
Not sure if this is the proper place to report, but ran into this issue today:
var inflector = Ember.Inflector.inflector;
// > "drife"
I'm also happy to take a crack at fixing this, but just wanted to ensure this fix actually belongs upstream and not in the app itself
stefanpenner commented
some context:
the goal of this project is to
- provide the infrastructure for basic inflection
- provide default inflection rules that match those of ActiveSupport – which has frozen its inflection rules
- provide users the way to augment the base inflection rules.
% bundle exec rails c !13314
Loading development environment (Rails 4.2.1)
:001 > "drives".singularize
=> "drife"
:002 >
So the solution is for your application to specify the preference using inflector.irregular(x,y)
relevant docs:
southpolesteve commented
Ah ok. That makes sense. Thanks for the quick reply!
stefanpenner commented
Ah ok. That makes sense. Thanks for the quick reply!
no problem. It is in-fact strange, but english is a strange thing. :P