
Upgrade to jQuery 3.4.1

HerveSeger opened this issue · 2 comments


I just hit the error `saved.shift is not a function' in one of my tests in Chrome.

This is fixed in jQuery v3.4.1 but ember-jquery v0.6.0 embeds jQuery v3.4.0.

I can see that the master branch is up-to-date with jQuery v3.4.1 and I just installed the master version locally and it fixes the issue.

Could we get a new release of ember-jquery from the master branch please?

The jQuery dependency is not pinned to this exact version, rather ^3.4.0 will install the latest 3.x.x version, including 3.4.1. I suppose you have a lock file (yarn.lock or package.lock), that has locked that version!?

Upgrading that (e.g. yarn upgrade) should give you the latest version!

Closing this as dependabot has already bumped that version in git. But I don't think we will publish a release for every dependency bump unless there is a good reason!?

But I don't think we will publish a release for every dependency bump unless there is a good reason!?

Oh, seems I was a bit too quick to rule out a new release, as there is this security alert (see #77), so we should probably do a release indeed!?

I am a member only on github, not npm, so cannot do this. Anyone with npm rights able to publish a patch release? Or npm owner add simonihmig @ember/jquery /cc @rwjblue