
Provide an option for NOT auto-starting the runner

mike-north opened this issue · 4 comments

Currently this addon kicks off the test runner after waiting for a while (an attempt to address a chrome sourcemap bug that may or may not still exist)

setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);

Moving away from this, and toward an "explicit start" model like what's done in ember-qunit would provide us with several improvements

  • Get rid of the setTimeout hack. Developers can call start() whenever appropriate
  • Provide an opportunity to do things AFTER tests complete loading but BEFORE they start running (currently there's no reasonable opportunity for userland code to run between these two events!)
  • Provide userland access to the return value of mocha.run() (a Runner instance) such as subscribing to its events
  • Pass mocha.run a function to invoke when the run is complete

While I think that there's ample reason to make this the default way to use ember-mocha, we should at least be able to easily offer an opt-in path for now, without disturbing the public API

related: #208

Hacky workaround:

(function() {
  mocha.originalRun = mocha.run;
  mocha.run = function () {};
app.import('vendor/mocha-patch.js', {
  type: 'test'
import Application from '../app';
import config from '../config/environment';
import { setApplication } from '@ember/test-helpers';


setTimeout(function() {
  /** @type {mocha.Runner} */
  const runner = mocha.originalRun();
  // now we can capture events!
  runner.on('suite end', function (evt) {
}, 400); // < required due to existing 250ms wait in test-loader + some other stuff

@mike-north Did this recently cause you trouble? I have a flaky test that is throwing at mocha.run now where it was previously warning.

@rondale-sc I did not post this in response to something breaking -- I'm just hoping for better consistency between this addon and ember-qunit.

We need to work to push forward the same declarative start() system that exists in ember-qunit. It will likely be "another major bump", but the required app changes are pretty small and the reduction in complexity seems definitely worth it...