
Require both publickey and password

fintechestenberg opened this issue · 3 comments

I am trying to require a login to need both key and password to login, but it seems that when publickeys is set it ignores the password.

my user config is like this

            "Username": "test",
            "Password": "1234",
            "PublicKeys": [
                "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMmM0HScbma4pxSq+9Pfg8MitDwKPza6pA5tqBCTAcAF test@test.com

Is there any special flag or similar that needs to be set to enable this?

I made a fix myself,

Any chance we can get this approved and merged into a new build.
Got a use case which can benefit from it.

@niteshamin should be available soon (building)