
build:types script doesn't work

ijlee2 opened this issue · 3 comments

ijlee2 commented

The build:types script from #136 (i.e. glint --declaration) did not work for ember-container-query. I noticed that the declarations folder is missing entirely.

I looked into what the scripts should be, so that they work for both tsc and glint cases:

/* package.json for projects with Glint */
"scripts": {
  "build:types": "glint --build",
  "lint:types": "glint --project tsconfig.development.json",
  "start:types": "glint --declaration --watch",  // ideally, we can run just `glint --watch`
/* package.json for projects without Glint */
"scripts": {
  "build:types": "tsc --build",
  "lint:types": "tsc --project tsconfig.development.json",
  "start:types": "tsc --watch"
/* tsconfig.json */
  "extends": "@tsconfig/ember/tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
    "declarationDir": "declarations",
    "emitDeclarationOnly": true,
    "noEmit": false
  "include": [
/* tsconfig.development.json */
  "extends": "@tsconfig/ember/tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
    "declarationDir": "declarations"
  "include": [

Here is what I did, please let me know if I got something wrong:

using --build

  • git clone git@github.com:ijlee2/ember-container-query.git
  • cd ember-container-query
  • git checkout remove-rollup-plugin-ts
  • pnpm install
  • cd ember-container-query
  • pnpm build
    I see dist and declarations
  • rm -rf declarations/ dist/
  • pnpm start
  • I once again see dist and declarations

using --declaration

  • I drop the most recent 2 commits
  • pnpm install
  • rm -rf declarations/ dist/
  • pnpm build
  • dist exsits but no declarations <-------------------- the bug is here, expected that declarations would exist
    because glint --declaration was ran
  • pnpm start
  • both dist and declarations exists

So, confirming the issue -- glint --declaration does not generate declarations, but glint --declaration --watch does

ijlee2 commented

@NullVoxPopuli The list of steps and observations that you gave is perfect.

Yes, to confirm: The start command, which ran glint --declaration --watch, did create the declarations folder, but the build command, which ran glint --declaration, did not.

By adding console.log()'s, I checked that glint --declaration results in determineOptionsToExtend() correctly setting options.{noEmit,declaration,emitDeclarationOnly} (to false, true, and true, respectively).

I'm guessing that something different happens:

  1. When we run glint --build as opposed to glint --declaration
  2. When we run glint --declaration --watch as opposed to just glint --declaration
ijlee2 commented

@dfreeman Thanks again for spending extra time looking into the problem and solution. I checked that, by removing the @glint-ignore comment, the build script's glint --declaration creates the declarations folder.

I can help file a bug report in the glint repo tomorrow.