
We can minify template output with a config change to babel

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Found this works pretty well: https://github.com/mainmatter/ember-hbs-minifier

renaming babel.config.json to babel.config.cjs:

'use strict';

const minifier = require('ember-hbs-minifier/hbs-minifier-plugin').createRegistryPlugin;

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        targetFormat: 'hbs',
        transforms: [minifier({})],
    ['module:decorator-transforms', { runtime: { import: 'decorator-transforms/runtime' } }],

Docs on transforms: https://github.com/emberjs/babel-plugin-ember-template-compilation/?tab=readme-ov-file#common-options

I kinda want to propose this behavior be default, but I don't yet know if there are any drawbacks.

The README for ember-hbs-minifier says:

Disclaimer: This is an experiment and might change in the future. Do not use this for production yet unless you understand the consequences!

which like... 🤷 it's just an AST transform.

this was implemented!