
Simple multiplayer example for godot 4.1

Primary LanguageGDScript

Simple multiplayer implementation based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K62jDMLPToA

It uses the high level multiplayer api

Special multiplayer nodes

The basic_player scene has a MultiplayerSynchronizer node.

  • Its function is to syncronize data over the network
  • Its root path is set to the basic_player root node -- so it syncronizes data about the basic_player node tree
  • It is set to syncronize hte the basic_player:position -- so that we can see the players move around

The Multiplayer_Test scene has a MultiplayerSpawner node.

  • Its function is to spawn (create) nodes requred by the multiplayer game.
  • Its spawn path is set to the mMultiplayer_Test root node.
  • Its auto spawn list has one element: the basic_player scene.
  • So it spawns player (scenes) inside the multplayer (game) scene



Almost all multiplayer specific code is set up in multiplayer_test.gd

extends Node2D
var peer = ENetMultiplayerPeer.new()
@export var player_scene: PackedScene
func _on_host_pressed():
	multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = peer
func _add_player(id = 1):
	var player = player_scene.instantiate()
	player.name = str(id)
func _on_join_pressed():
	peer.create_client("", 1337)
	multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = peer


The only exception is checking is_multiplayer_authority() in basic_player.gd to make sure that the player can only control its own character. It is the "authority" of its own character.

extends CharacterBody2D
func _enter_tree():
func _physics_process(delta):
	if is_multiplayer_authority():
		velocity = Input.get_vector("ui_left","ui_right","ui_up","ui_down") * 400

Note about the local network

The port used is 1337, this must be a free port on the local computer -- not used by any other server service. If it doesn't work, try to change the port.

The client ip is set to "" which is the same as "localhost".