unsigned long specifier
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi Emilio,
a 2nd thing I tried on Kitteneitor was perft but I got a broken output?!
Having a look into source I was aware of wrong (broken) unsigned long specifiers.
I corrected them, and perft runs smoothly now. :-)
Hi Wieland
thanks for the issues you've opened. Just two things:
-The most recent code for Kitteneitor is not in the master branch but in the evalKingShelter branch
-In less than one hour i go on vacations to the mountain, and I'm afraid I will be off-line till Sunday night
-BTW, did you receive my email?
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Hi Emilio,
thanks for the issues you've opened. Just two things:
The most recent code for Kitteneitor is not in the master branch but in
the evalKingShelter branch
Oh dear! What is that? I think nobody would assume that?!
Why do you maintain a NOT up-to-date source under master branch? Or i.e.:
why do you use for your current source a sideline branch?
-In less than one hour i go on vacations to the mountain, and I'm afraid I
will be off-line till Sunday night
Wow! Are you on a trekking tour in the Pyrenees? ;-)
I'll go on the road to Lappland wilderness on August for four weeks! Alone
in the wilderness among wild animals, no humans, untouched nature. :-)
-BTW, did you receive my email?
As I told already: No, I didn't. :-/
I think every email which couldn't delivered to addressee should be
returned?! Have you had a look into your email folders?
Hi Wieland
Back from "the mountains"; just had energy enough to delete your email from one of the posts (sorry for it). Tomorrow, with more time and energy, I'll be back to the issues list.