
Update to 1.4

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Pixi.js has been updated to 1.4 a week ago and has some really nice improvements there. Too bad it's in JS, so I hope you can spare some time to continue this port.

Part of the 1.4 update has been a restructuring to remove the complex linked lists and use a simpler batching method. I experimented with similar changes at the end of last year which are now in the master of pixi.dart.

The biggest priority is still to get interaction in there, but in such a way as to add little overhead to the display objects. Unfortunately I have been busy with work and not had as much time as I would like to work on pixi, but I am still trying to figure out the best way of handling events whilst affecting the render loop as little as possible (also trying to work out how straightforward it would be to support event bubbling).

Most of the remaining features to 1.4 are visual, such as filters and tinting - I hope to be able to get these going as soon as the interaction is mostly in place.

On another note, a project I am developing for work is actually making use of pixi.dart so I have also been trying to ensure that it works well when compiled with dart2js.

Awesome, can't wait for it. Thanks for your work!