
More Phone Numbers

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Currently the list of resources is pretty sparse, and is largely limited to city/state/national resources either run by the gov or a non-profit that is endorsed by the gov

We should add as many groups and resources as we can find that will be relevant to our audience. Mutual Aid NYC has a good list here: https://mutualaid.nyc/resources-groups/

This is the starting point for a lot of other data improvements.

If the resource is Borough or Neighborhood specific, it should be separated out so we don't render it until we have the UI updated to reflect support for that level of granularity.

Hey, my name's ShotofADRENALIN & I'll be working on this issue.

another site that's a good resource for #s => https://dontcallthepolice.com/new-york-city/

#52 addresses this issue.

sorry for the delay, this should be rolling out now

im gonna close this only because we should always be adding new phone numbers